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Classes started once again, this day was rather light. I only had my Contemporary Challenges in Global Health course so far, my Intercultural Leadership course is tomorrow. I’m pretty excited for that class, it sounds pretty interesting and a bonus is that Devon is taking it too so we’ll be in class together. Global health seems like it’ll be another really interesting course as I really enjoyed the previous course taught by this teacher. As for the other course I’ll have more to discuss tomorrow after I’ve been.

Once again my health course was pretty small, we have about 8 people, so two more than last time. As far as the leadership course goes that ones pretty big we’ll probably have 20 some students. Still small but compared to my two classes last block not so much. This block we’ll also be going to Belfast on a study tour and I’m really excited for that in particular!  The workload this time around seems to be rather comparable to the last one as far as I can tell.

Well this post was pretty short since not much happened today, until tomorrow!